PhpMetrics report


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Each file is symbolized by a circle. Size of the circle represents the Cyclomatic complexity. Color of the circle represents the Maintainability Index.

Large red circles will be probably hard to maintain.

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This score is not absolute. This chart is a comparison of your project relative to a representative average of recent PHP projects.

Each score is calculated from various criterias from 1611 files in your projects. Your score is a note between 0 (poor) and 100 (excellent).

Factor Score
Maintainability 93.71 / 100
Accessibility for new developers 79.06 / 100
Simplicity of algorithms 27 / 100
Volume 48.94 / 100
Reducing bug's probability 54.1 / 100

This score does not replace the judgement of a human.


Class uses another when it calls, constructs, types hint, extends or implements it.

  • Used by : this class is used by hovered element.
  • Uses : this class uses hovered element.
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Files 1611
Lines of code 191456 (140 by class, 26 by method)
Logical lines of code 31007 (23 by class, 4 by method)
Classes 1364
308 interfaces (23 %)
969 concrete classes (71 %)
0 abstract classes (0 %)
Methods 7438 (5.5 by class )
Relative system complexity 4.9
Relative data complexity 0.69
Relative structure complexity 4.21
Lack of cohesion of methods 1.48
Efferent Coupling 2.17
Afferent Coupling 0.36
Abstractness 0.29


Powered by PhpMetrics - Copyright Jean-François Lépine
Generated on 6th of September 2015 at 11:18:06 AM