Principles of Unit Testing

by Joseph D. Purcell

at Chicago Symfony Meetup

April 19, 2018

Who am I?

  • PHP developer since 2003
  • Development Team Lead at Digital Bridge Solutions
  • Making a difference for B2B companies in the midwest

Who are you?

"Tar Pit" in Mythical Man Month by Fred Brooks

Two takeaways:

  1. You will understand WHAT unit testing is.
  2. You will understand WHEN unit testing is valuable.


  1. Definition
  2. Principles
    1. Test Doubles
    2. Solitary vs Sociable
  3. Test Smells
  4. Motivations

I. Definition

What is a "unit test"?

"[I]t's a situational thing - the team decides what makes sense to be a unit for the purposes of their understanding of the system and its testing."

— Martin Fowler,

"The software development community simply hasn't managed to settle on well-defined terms around testing."

— Martin Fowler,

A unit test verifies a unit's correctness
against a specification.

A unit is...

  • a function (e.g. t())
  • a method on a class (e.g. function build())
  • a script (e.g. update.php) thing

Think of it as a single frame in a call stack...


A Unit

  function increment($a) {
    return $a + 1;
A Unit Test

  use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;

  class IncrementTest extends TestCase {
    public function testIncrementAddsOne() {
      $result = increment(1);

      $this->assertEquals(2, $result);

Consider levels of testing

  1. Solitary Unit Testing (e.g. UnitTestCase)
  2. Sociable Unit Testing (e.g. KernelTestBase)
  3. Functional Testing (e.g. BrowserTestBase)

Point of confusion: these can all be written in PHPUnit.

This is NOT like a unit test.

"Man of Faith", photo from Popular Science

This is like a unit test.

Steel Beam Test (YouTube)

II. Principles

1. Test Doubles

Source: Fandom (link)

Source: Jeneshia via CBC News (link)

There are two challenges with testing a unit:

  1. indirect inputs (shared state)
  2. indirect outputs (side effects)

... anything that makes it not a pure function.

Example 1

A Unit with an Indirect Input

  function get_product($id) {
    $product_storage = \Drupal::service('entity.manager')->getStorage('product');
    return $product_storage->load($id);
A Unit Test

  public function testGetProductRetrievesId() {
    $product_id = 1;

    $result = get_product($product_id);

    $this->assertEquals($product_id, $result->id());
Exception: no database to read from!

Example 2

A Unit with a Side Effect

  function increment_product_favorite_amount(Product $product) {
    $product->favorite_count = $product->favorite_amount + 1;
    return $product;
A Unit Test

  public function testIncrementProductFavoriteAmountAddsOne() {
    $product = new Product();
    $product->favorite_count = 1;

    $result = increment_product_favorite_amount($product);

    $this->assertEquals(2, $result->favorite_count);
Exception: no database to write to!

Test doubles are the tools we use
to test units that have shared state or side effects.

Test Doubles

never called
is called
provide indirect inputs
provide indirect inputs, capture indirect outputs
provide indirect inputs, verify indirect outputs


  $token_dummy = $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface');
  $object_dummy = new \stdClass();

  $voter = new Voter();

  $this->assertEquals(VoterInterface::ACCESS_GRANTED, $voter->vote($token_dummy, $object_dummy, ['CREATE']));

A dummy is never called, it has no state.

... just use NULL?


  $file_fake = new FakeFile($path);
  $response = new BinaryFileResponse($file_fake, 200);


  $this->assertEquals($path, $response->headers->get('X-Accel-Redirect'));

A concrete class that fakes another concrete class.


  $authorization_checker = $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface');

  $controller = new TestController($authorization_checker);


Like a dummy, but is called and returns values.


  $user_spy = $this->prophesize(User::class);
  $profile = new Profile($user_spy->reveal());



Like a stub, but captures calls.


  $user_mock = $this->getMockBuilder('User')->getMock();
  $profile = new Profile($user_mock);


Like a spy, but runs assertions on execution of Class Under Test (CUT).

What should you double?

It depends if you're doing
Sociable or Solitary unit testing.

2. Solitary vs Sociable

"Korean War Veterans Memorial Bridge", photo from Wikipedia


  1. Cross some boundaries
  2. One or more concrete classes during test



  1. Never cross boundaries
  2. One concrete class during test

Source: Jay Fields, "Working Effectively With Unit Tests"

What is a boundary?

A boundary is "a database, a queue,
another system, or even an ordinary class
if that class is 'outside' the area your trying
to work with or are responsible for"

— William E. Caputo,

What does "one concrete class" mean?

  • Use a double for dependencies.
  • Collaborators that return objects
    should return doubles.
  • No statics.
  • Caveat: value objects don't count.

Recap: Principles of Unit Testing

  • A unit test verifies a unit's correctness against a specification.
  • Use Test Doubles for indirect inputs or outputs:
    • Dummy
    • Fake
    • Stub
    • Spy
    • Mock
  • A boundary is an indirect input or output.
  • Sociable Unit Testing:
    • Cross some boundaries
    • One or more concrete classes during test
  • Solitary Unit Testing:
    • Never cross boundaries
    • One concrete class during test

IV. Test Smells

"If it stinks, change it."

— Grandma Beck, discussing child-rearing philosophy, "Refactoring"


Obscure Test
What is this test doing!?
Fragile Test
I didn't change this class!? How is it now erroring?
Test Code Duplication
Why am I repeating myself so much?
High Test Maintenance Cost
I spend more time changing tests than code!!!
Assertion Roulette
Which assertion failed? I have no idea.


Object Mother
Data Builder
Custom Assertion
Expect Literals
$this->assertEquals('text', $output);
One assertion per test
Avoid multiple asserts
Eliminate side effects and shared state
Don't unit test
Unit testing isn't the best strategy in all cases

Try: Arrange-Act-Assert

Arrange all necessary preconditions and inputs.
Act on the object or method under test.
Assert that the expected results have occurred.

Source: Cunningham Ward,

Try: Arrange-Act-Assert

  class IncrementTest extends TestCase {
    public function testIncrement() {
      // Arrange.
      $product = new Product();
      $product->favorite_count = 1;

      // Act.
      $result = increment($product);

      // Assert.
      $this->assertEquals(2, $result->favorite_count);

This suggests mocks are obscure and should be avoided!

IV. Motivations

Unit testing provides low level of benefit.

Photo of wooden bridge in eastern Congo, photo courteousy of Lori Babcock.

Unit testing provides high level of benefit.

Photo of two-level bascule bridge in Chicago, IL, photo courteousy of Lori Babcock.

When does unit testing have HIGH value?

  • Rule of 3 (at least 3 classes will use this)
  • Writing a library, e.g. composer dependency
  • Before refactoring legacy code
  • High amount of necessary complexity
  • Exploratory work or to assist development, e.g. TDD
  • There is high cost to even minor bugs
  • You're writing code in a framework, e.g. Symfony

When does unit testing have LOW value?

  • If you're writing "glue" code (e.g. most Drupal projects)
  • Maintenance cost is significantly higher than the cost of a bug
  • You're writing code in a platform, e.g. Drupal
  • There is a more valuable form of testing with lower effort

Solitary or sociable?

See also unit vs kernel tests.

Sociable unit testing...

  • hard to debug
  • requires lots of set up and tear down
  • requires lots of test doubles

Solitary unit testing...

  • allows higher code coverage
  • promotes decoupling
  • executes faster
  • enables better software design
"It should not be underestimated how much easier these functions are to test than their state-filled counterparts."

— Simon Honeywell, "Functional Programming in PHP"

Solitary unit testing forces
you to write good code.

Unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to
get better, it's not

Ok, but where do I start?

Drupal 8.5 code metrics generated by, see results.

Why is Symfony so successful for re-use?

  • It's good object oriented code.
  • No surprise: the tests are mostly (entirely?) solitary.

Remember the Principles of Unit Testing:


test doubles
solitary vs sociable

Thank you!

Slides are available:

Let's talk! @josephdpurcell


Further Reading